When I think about seeds of kindness, I am reminded of a time several years ago when I planted Shasta Daisies from seed. These tiny seeds, maybe 1/8 to 1/4 of an inch in length, were placed in the soil in little containers during the last cold month of winter. Next to a window that received morning and afternoon light and not so far from the woodstove, I expected them to grow fast and to look hardy in only a few weeks, maybe a month. The seeds germinated and rose up out of the soil in only about a week and then the growth stalled. They reached a little over an inch in height and never grew taller. I couldn't figure it out. Not sunny enough? Not warm enough? Is the soil healthy? Are these energy-efficient windows not letting in UV light?
Whatever the case, I was not one to give up so I continued to care for these fragile seedlings. When spring came and the soils in my garden warmed up, I planted the tender shoots and nurtured them like a mother hen, watering them gently and often. They were my babies.
That first summer they did grow - not much but enough that I was encouraged. The following summer they were healthy and strong and by mid-summer, it was apparent that they would soon take over the entire raised bed, a bed I needed for growing vegetables. So, I began to transplant.
Look at them now. My goodness. They border the flower garden. I transplanted again, and daisies bloom in a garden of their own at the end of the stone wall where they thrive in part sun, part shade near the Maple trees. I transplanted some to the front yard which is filling in nicely with all kinds of plants- a space we've been creating for pollinators (and will soon be a no-mow zone, an important goal for my husband especially.)
Seeds. What seems insignificant at first can become magnificent. I think about this when writing a story. An idea sparks a few words on the page. That first burst of enthusiasm brings about the beginnings of a story, and then it stalls. Now what? Does it mean my idea wasn't good? Will this story even resonate with a reader? Should I give up?
This is when I remember we need to nurture tiny seedlings. For you who is reading this blog, I want to remind you that no matter what art you are working on (or better yet, playing with) keep at it. We have to nurture our art in its beginning stages. We have to believe that our creativity is a beautiful and wonderful thing, and that the practice of our craft is where we find joy.